A mix of physical and digital copies.
Computer Science
- McDowell, Gayle L. - Cracking the Coding Interview
- Red Team Field Manual
- Blue Team Field Manual
- Bullfinch, Thomas - Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable, The Age of Chivalry and Legends of Charlemagne
- Dante - Inferno
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Demons
- Dostoevksy, Fyodor - The Brothers Karamazov
- Dostoevsky, Fyodor - The Idiot
- Hammett, Dashiell - Maltese Falcon
- Herbert, Frank - Dune
- Heinlein, Robert A. - Stranger in a Strange Land
- Heinlein, Robert A. - Starship Troopers
- Hesse, Herman - Siddhartha
- Homer - The Iliad
- Jordan, Robert - The Eye of the World
- Mishima, Yukio - Confessions of a Mask
- Mishima, Yukio - Temple of the Golden Pavillion
- Hesse, Herman - Steppenwolf
- Wharton, Edith - Ethan Frome 16.02.2020
- Baricco, Alessandro - Silk 27.09.2020
- Turgenev, Ivan - First Love 19.01.2021
- Gogol, Nikolai - Diary of a Madman 24.01.2021
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang - The Sorrows of Young Werther
- Brecht, Bertolt - The Good Woman of Setzuan 25.09.2020
History & Philosophy
- Hallen, Barry - The Good, The Bad, The Beautiful: Discourse about Values in Yoruba Culture
- Hofstadter, Douglas - Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
- Plato - Euthyphro
- Plato - Republic
- Plato - Protagoras
- Bronze Age Pervert - Bronze Age Mindset
- Junger, Ernst - Storm of Steel
- Carlyle, Thomas - On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History
- Plato - Apology
- Frege, Gottlob - The Foundation of Arithmetic: A logico-Mathematical Enquiry into the Concept of Number
- Carnegie, Dale - How to Win Friends and Influence People
- De Charny, Geoffroi - A Knight's Own Book on Chivalry 12.2019
- Nicholson, Helen - A Brief History of the Knights Templar 01.2020
- Adler, Mortimer - How to Read a Book 14.02.2020
- Tacitus - Agricola(English) 26.03.2020
- Tacitus - Germania(English) 29.03.2020
- Bernays, Edward - Propaganda 26.07.2020
- Struik, Dirk - A Concise History of Mathematics 19.09.2020
- Le Bon, Gustave - The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind 11.2020
- Mackinder, Halford - The Geographical Pivot of History 01.01.2021
- Haag, Chad - Being and Oil: Volume One: Peak Oil Philosophy and the Ontology of Limitation 11.02.2021
- Bataille, Georges - The Accursed Share Vol 1.
- McLuhan, Marshall - Gutenberg Galaxy 23.04.2021
- Lucretius - On The Nature Of The Universe 06.08.2021
Language Learning
- Nummikoski, Marita - Troika: A Communicative Approach to Russian Language, Life, and Culture, 2nd Edition + Workbook
- Senn, Alfred and Rozhdestvensky, Andrey - Conversational Russian in 20 Lessons
- Wheelock, Frederic and LaFleur, Richard - Wheelock's Latin, 7th Edition
- Wheelock, Frederic and LaFleur, Richard - Wheelock's Latin Workbook, 7th Edition
- Balme, Maurice and Morwood, James - Oxford Latin Course, College Edition: Grammar, Exercises, Context
- Balme, Maurice and Morwood, James - Oxford Latin Course, College Edition: Readings and Vocabulary
- Traupman, John - The Bantam New College Latin & English Dictionary
- Goldman, Norma - English Grammar for Students of Latin: The Study Guide for Those Learning Latin, 3rd Edition
- Cruise, Edwina - English Grammar for Students of Russian: The Study Guide for Those Learning Russian, 2nd Edition
- Afanasyev, Alexander - Russian Folktales from the Collection of A. Afanasyev: A Dual-Language Book
The Three Matters
- Anonymous - The Song of Roland
- Anonymous - The Quest for the Holy Grail 19.05.2020
Far East
- Kano, Jigoro - Mind Over Muscle
- Tsunetomo, Yamamoto - The Hagakure 12.2019
- Takuan, Soho - The Unfettered Mind 01.08.2020
- Confucius - Analects 29.10.2020
- Chuang Tzu(Burton Watson) - Chuang Tzu 28.11.2020
- Nitobe, Inazo - Bushido: The Soul of Japan 19.01.2021
- Tanizaki, Jun'ichiro - In Praise of Shadows 04.06.2021
- Horton, Charles & Ritchey, Lawrence - Harmony Through Melody: The Interaction of Melody, Counterpoint, and Harmony in Western Music
- Abraham, Gerald, Macdonald, Hugh, Schwarz,Boris & McAllister, Rita - The New Grove Russian Masters 2: Rimsky-Korsakov, Skryabin, Rakhmaninov, Prokofiev, Shostakovich 08.03.2020
- Campbell, Joseph - The Hero With A Thousand Faces
- Aquilina, Mike - Understanding the Mass: 100 Questions, 100 Answers
- St. Augustine of Hippo - Confessions
- Evert, Jason - Saint John Paul The Great And His Five Loves
- Feser, Ed - Aquinas (A Beginner's Guide)
- Kempis, Thomas A. - The Imitation of Christ
- Vogt, Brandon - Why I Am Catholic (and You Should Be Too)
- Russian New Testament
- Didache 28.02.2020
- Anonymous - The Desert Fathers: Sayings of the Early Christian Monks 16.07.2020